What do you value? How can we find out?

  What’s important to you? What do you value? Do you know? So often we spend a huge amount of our energy and time on things that don’t really matter. We do the things we’ve always done, the things our family prioritises, that society in general...

Unlocking Imposter Syndrome to Podcast

In November of last year, parenting coach Rachel Richards called me to ask if I wanted to join her in a podcast she was starting about parenting teenagers. We chatted on the phone for a while. The conversation flowed, it all sounded super interesting and relevant, and...

Can we dip into the past & future and still stay present?

My eldest turned 17 on Sunday. What? How on earth did we get here? Which is what I was thinking, as I waived him off on his first driving lesson, while hiding my leaking eyes (which would’ve ignited eye rolls, if spotted). Every time one of my kids celebrates a...

Let’s wear a dress & high heels to bed!

Will your negative bias let you? This photo just came up in my photo memories. It’s my now 14yr old daughter when she was 7. I remember it so clearly. She appeared suddenly at the top of our stairs in a big crimson dress, that she’d found in my wardrobe. “Mummy,...
Emotions are signals. What are yours trying to tell you?

Emotions are signals. What are yours trying to tell you?

Emotions contain amazing information! What a waste when we ignore, suppress or numb the ones we don’t like… Do you have favourite emotions? Like joy, excitement, calmness? What about the ones you don’t like; uncomfortable ones? Like sadness, fear, anger, stress,...